研華ESRP-CMS-EKI9226 Cloud Management System for Predictive Maintenance and Optimize Operation

研華ESRP-CMS-EKI9226 Cloud Management System for Predictive Maintenance and Optimize Operation

  • Cloud Management
  • Auto Topology Discovery
  • Google Map Positioning
  • Predictive Maintenance.
  •  1. Predictive Maintenance.
    _With the Cloud network management system, users can easily receive information, such as connection change records, alarm history, device downtime, and initial time, to help users take efficient predictive action and plan for system maintenance.

    2. Google Map Positioning
    _Users can define the longitude and latitude of the device and its topological group. WebAccess/NMS can then locate the position on the Google Maps and OpenStreetMap. The actual locations and connections are clearly presented on the map. It benefits medium-to large-scale application deployment and management.

    3. Auto Topology Discovery
    _Find out all the network devices by using the auto topology discovery function and easily manage network devices intuitively.

    4. Cloud Management
    _The system supports HTML5-based remote desktop functions. A web-based remote desktop extends management flexibility for system administrators using a PC-based device. Users can manage the network through Cloud everywhere.


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