研華ESRP-PCS-UNO420 PoE Sensing Gateway, WISE-EdgeLink, Intel? Atom? E3815, 2 x LAN, 3 x COM, 4 x DI/DO

研華ESRP-PCS-UNO420 PoE Sensing Gateway, WISE-EdgeLink, Intel? Atom? E3815, 2 x LAN, 3 x COM, 4 x DI/DO

  • Easy installation with combined power and data cable
  • PoE offers considerable cost savings
  • Can adapt to various data acquisition devices
  • Support for PoE enables easy installation in awkward or remote locations with the use of a single Ethernet cable for both data and power delivery.Compared to fiber cables, Ethernet cables are significantly less expensive to install and are suitable for a wide range of infrastructures and environments.Terminal equips with rich I/O, and able to support different interface of sensors, devices, and PLC etc. for various industry applications.


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