研華ESRP-PCS-WISE710 Industrial Protocol Gateway, WISE-EdgeLink, ARM Cortex?-A9 Freescale i.MX 6, 2 x LAN, 3 x COM, 4 x DI/DO

研華ESRP-PCS-WISE710 Industrial Protocol Gateway, WISE-EdgeLink, ARM Cortex?-A9 Freescale i.MX 6, 2 x LAN, 3 x COM, 4 x DI/DO

  • Supports multiple PLC protocol drivers for data conversion
  • Enhances cyber security with embedded security chip
  • Bridges the gap between OT and IT
  • WISE-PaaS/EdgeLink 3000 tags
  • Edgelink supports more than 200 PLC protocol drivers for collecting data from legacy devices, and features plug-and-play functionality to dramatically reduce software development time.Data is encrypted using a Microsoft Azure IoT-certified embedded security chip that provides the best in class anti-tampering performance for data protection.The compact size and support for RS-232/485, DI/DO, and LAN, as well as diverse expansion modules(8 x AI/4 x DI, 4 x RTD/4 x TC) make the Edge-SRP ideal for IoT gateway applications.


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