研華SKY-820V3 2U Edge Server with 4th Generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors

研華SKY-820V3 2U Edge Server with 4th Generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors

  • Dual Socket 4th Gen Intel? Xeon? Scalable processors
  • Configurable PCIe slot options up to 4x PCIe Gen5 x16 (FHFL, 10.5") or 2x PCIe Gen5 x16 (FHFL, 10.5"), 2x PCIe Gen5 x8 (FHFL, 10.5"), 2x PCIe Gen5 x8 (FHHL)
  • Up to 6x 2.5” SATA/SAS drive bays
  • 2U Edge Server with 4th Generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors


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