研華EKI-1528I-DR 8-port RS-232/422/485 Serial Device Server - Wide Temperature

研華EKI-1528I-DR 8-port RS-232/422/485 Serial Device Server - Wide Temperature

  • Provides 2 x 10/100 Mbps Ethernet ports for LAN redundancy
  • Provides COM port redirection (Virtual COM), TCP and UDP operation modes
  • Supports up to 921.6 kbps, and any baud rate setting
  • Allows a max. of 5 hosts to access one serial port
  • Allows a max. of 16 hosts to be accessed as TCP client mode
  • Built-in 15 KV ESD protection for all serial signals
  • Provides rich configuration methods including Windows utility, Telnet console, and Web Browser
  • Supports 32-bit/64-bit Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1, Windows Server 2003/2008/2012/2016, Windows CE 5.0, and Linux
  • Automatic RS-485 data flow control
  • Supports line to line 4 KV, line to ground 8 KV surge protection
  • The EKI-1528I and EKI-1528CI feature two independent Ethernet ports and MAC addresses to provide a redundant network mechanism to guarantee Ethernet network reliability. The EKI-1528I and EKI-1528CI are serial device servers that connect RS-232/422/485 serial devices, such as PLC, meters, sensors, and barcode reader to an IP-based Ethernet LAN. They allow nearly any device with serial ports to connect and share an Ethernet network. The EKI-1528I and EKI-1528CI provide various operations: COM port redirection (Virtual COMport), TCP Server, TCP Client and UDP mode. With COM port redirection mode, standard serial operation calls are transparently redirected to the EKI-1528I and EKI-1528CI, guaranteeing compatibility with legacy serial devices and enabling backward compatibility with existing software. With TCP server, TCP client, and UDP modes, EKI-1528I and EKI-1528CI ensure the compatibility of network software that uses a standard network API. Moreover, you can make serial devices communicate with other devices peer-to-peer, without any intermediate host PCs and software programming.


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